Friday 3 December 2010

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WikiLeaks: Experts Explain America's Role In Afghanistan Corruption

By Braden Holly

President Hamid Karzai’s half-brother, is getting paid by the CIA and that thousands of other officials are being paid off.  That, in my mind, is corruption,” said Pratap Chatterjee, an author and columnist for the Guardian. “A lot of the biggest money in Afghanistan is U.S. military and State Department contracts.” Continue

US Takes Cut of Donations by Allies to Afghanistan

By Ian Traynor

THE US military has been charging its allies a 15 per cent handling fee on hundreds of millions of dollars raised internationally to build up the Afghan army, according to US diplomatic cables. Continue

Why Amazon Caved, and What It Means for the Rest of Us

By Lauren Kirchner

Amazon Web Services dropped WikiLeaks material from its servers on Tuesday, a move that is widely assumed to be a direct response to pressure from the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Continue

Rightwing Nut Job Says
Assassinate Assange

By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Web provocateur undermines war on terror, threatens American lives. Continue

The Shameful Attacks on Julian Assange

By David Samuels

Julian Assange and Pfc Bradley Manning have done a huge public service by making hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. government documents available on Wikileaks -- and, predictably, no one is grateful. Continue

History Will Win

By Julian Assange

The Cable Gate archive has been spread, along with significant material from the US and other countries to over 100,000 people in encrypted form. If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically. Continue

Is WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange a Hero?

By Democracy Now!

A debate between Steven Aftergood, a transparency advocate who has become a leading critic of WikiLeaks, and Glenn Greenwald, a constitutional law attorney and legal blogger for Continue

John Pilger - Wikileaks - The War You Don't See


Award winning journalist John Pilger speaks on Australian radio about the absurdities put forward by members of the American government. Continue

Myth of “American Exceptionalism”
The Ultimate, Pernicious Howler   

By Robert Becker

Beyond the ‘50’s jingoism of “America, right or wrong,” the right now stays this course, “America, never wrong.”  We must be special, the chosen elect, morally superior to every other country.  Why else would an omnipotent God put us in charge?   End of discussion. Frankly, the Roman Empire was more culturally tolerant.   Continue

Vietnam: The Last Battle

By John Pilger

Vietnam was allowed to join the World Trade Organization and qualify for World Bank loans provided it embraced the "free market," destroyed its free public services and paid off the bad debts of the defunct Saigon regime: money which had helped bankroll the American war. The reparations agreed by President Richard Nixon in the 1973 Paris Peace Accords were ignored. Continue

Latin America’s Twenty First Century Capitalism and the US Empire

By James Petras

Insofar as militarism defines the policies and strategies of the US Empire there is no remedy for the challenges of lumpen power in its ‘backyard’. And Washington has nothing on offer to recapture a dominant presence in Latin America. Continue

Cable reveals US behind airstrike that killed 21 children in Yemen: A diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks shows that the US military covered up the killing of dozens of civilians during a cruise missile strike in south Yemen in December 2009.
Hillary Clinton rejects criticism of UK Army: The diplomatic cables said US officials and Afghan President Hamid Karzai believed UK forces were not up to the task of securing Helmand province.
Did Karzai Refuse to meet Obama? Hamid Karzai was cancelled because of bad weather, and instead the two leaders spoke only briefly by telephone.
US cables portray Hamid Karzai as corrupt and erratic: Diplomats describe Afghan president as weak, indecisive, paranoid and beholden to criminals to maintain power
US convinced Karzai half-brother is corrupt, WikiLeaks cables say: Leaked dispatches allege 'kingpin of Kandahar' is engaged in illicit enterprises in Afghanistan's second city
WikiLeaks: US Considered Prosecuting President Karzai's Brother: A State Department cable shows that US officials were poised to take action against Ahmed Wali Karzai and other allegedly corrupt Afghan officials.
WikiLeaks: Afghan vice-president 'landed in Dubai with $52m in cash': Ambassador in Kabul reports pervasive 'wealth extraction' by establishment and apparent powerlessness of US to stop it
Dozens Of Major Military Contractors Granted Legal Immunity: Taxpayers may be on the hook if U.S. military contractors in Iraq incur liability while carrying out their work.
Cables reveal frank U.S. views on Latin America, from Argentina to Venezuela: The global fall-out over the leaked U.S. diplomatic cables continues to trickle into Latin America, where leaders are responding to a variety of disclosures that reveal frank opinions on governments with whom the United States has sometimes had tense relations.
WikiLeaks cables: Seven key things we've learned so far: Some in the media glibly dismissed the US embassy cables at first, but such WikiScepticism is on the wane
WikiLeaks cables: Don't trust Israel on Iran: Officials gently mock the Israeli habit of making bogus predictions about when Iran will obtain a nuclear bomb
Wikileaks offline; faces triple threat: Wikileaks new banner, featuring founder Julian Assange. Although the site has lost its domain name service - meaning its web address no longer works - the site can still be accessed via its less user-friendly IP address:
WikiLeaks switches to Swiss domain amid cyber attack:, has been superseded by Two companies now host the Swiss domain name, one in France, where the government is seeking to ban the site from French servers
Amazon’s Wikileaks Takedown: As a society, we have reached a place where the only way to protect some sorts of speech on the Internet is through one of only a couple dozen core Internet organizations. Totally ceding decisions about control of politically sensitive speech to that handful of actors, without any legal process or oversight, is a bad idea
When it comes to Assange rape case, the Swedes are making it up as they go along: by Melbourne barrister James D. Catlin, who acted for Julian Assange in London in October.
'US govt. spied on American citizens': ACLU obtained a series of documents previously regarded as secret internal documents through a court battle, The Washington Post reported on Friday.
Federal Reserve Under Fire for Loaning Trillions to Foreign Banks in Financial Crisis: The biggest beneficiaries of the central bank's $3.3 trillion lending program were foreign banks that operate in the U.S., including London-based Barclay's, which received a $47.9 billion loan
General Electric Tapped Fed To Borrow $16 Billion: Newly released documents from the Federal Reserve Board show that General Electric Co. was a significant user of one of the Fed's rescue programs in the fall of 2008, even as the blue-ribbon company enjoyed the highest credit rating available at the time.

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