Monday 6 December 2010

Wikileaks Mirrors
Wikileaks is currently mirrored on 507 sites
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Using WikiLeaks to Advance the Narrative of War on Iran
Morally bankrupt U.S. media buries facts that counter the case for war.


The mainstream media fails to point out that almost all of the Arab nations whose leaders have advocated an attack on Iran are ruled by unpopular and corrupt dictatorships that are supported by the United States: Continue

Ron Paul: Don't Blame Wikileaks! :
Wikileaks Reveals U.S. Government's Delusional Foreign Policy

Audio and Transcript

State secrecy is anathema to a free society. Why exactly should Americans be prevented from knowing what their government is doing in their name? Continue

Mike Huckabee says Julian Assange Should be Executed.


At a Bet El Dinner for the Jewish community in New York last night he said whoever leaked the material should be "prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law". His comments were greeted with applause. Continue

Western Civilization Has Shed Its Values

By Paul Craig Roberts

The disregard for the First Amendment is well established in the US media, which  functions as a propaganda ministry for the government. Continue

Something Inside So Strong With Lyrics : Labi Siffre
In Support Of Wikileaks And Julian Assange


And for all of those who fight to ensure that our government is held to the highest standards. Continue

Canada-Israel: The Other Special Relationship

Fault Lines - Al-Jazeera

Canada has become one of Israel's most fervent supporters. Avi Lewis investigates. Continue

Vichy Britain:
The Truth Exposed by WikiLeaks

By Neil Clark

The WikiLeaks disclosures reveal, the one-time rulers of the world have been reduced to the status of arch-crawlers to American imperial power. Continue

Happy as a Hangman

By Chris Hedges

What is frightening in collapsing societies is not only the killers, sadists, murderers and psychopaths who rise up out of the moral swamp to take power, but the huge numbers of ordinary people who become complicit in state crimes. Continue

Farewell to the EU Superstate

By Mike Whitney

Once again, Ireland finds itself with an opportunity to strike a blow against the EU and end the dream of a corporate superstate.   All they need to do is vote "No". Continue

Pakistan: At least '50' people killed in suicide bomb attack: Two suicide bombers on a motorcycle carried out the attack as a tribal assembly of elders, or 'jirga' was meeting in the building in the town of Ghalalnai, close to the border with Afghanistan.
Two NATO soldiers among four killed in Afghan suicide attack: A suicide bomber killed two foreign soldiers and two Afghan civilians in a bazaar outside a NATO base in southeast Afghanistan on Sunday and wounded nearly 20, NATO and Afghan officials said.
EU doubts Afghanistan success: WikiLeaks files: European Union President Herman Van Rompuy told the U.S. ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, that the EU no longer believes in the success of the military mission in Afghanistan. Van Rompuy, a former Belgian prime minister, suggested European troops are still being deployed only to bow to what the United States wants.
US Kills 5 People In Pakistan: "First the US drone fired two missiles on a vehicle and two of the occupants were killed, while three others escaped and hid in a shop adjacent to a house. The drone fired two more missiles on the shop and three of them were killed and three others were wounded," the official said.
Leaked US cables: Saudi Arabia rated a bigger threat to Iraqi stability than Iran: Iraqi government officials see Saudi Arabia, not Iran, as the biggest threat to the integrity and cohesion of their fledgling democratic state, leaked US state department cables reveal.
Yemen diverted US counterrorism aid meant to tackle Al Qaeda, US cable reveals: As the US weighs another possible increase in Yemen aid early next year, WikiLeaks has revealed that Yemen is diverting at least some US counterterrorism resources to tackle other domestic priorities – including President Ali Abdullah Saleh's enemies.
Argentina joins Brazil in recognition of Palestinian state: Argentine President sends Abbas letter stating it recognizes Palestine defined by 1967 borders; Uruguay says it will recognize Palestine in 2011; Israel calls announcement 'regrettable'.
Julian Assange to be questioned by British police: - Assange appeals for supporters to put up surety and bail
Campaigners rally to defence as attempts to muzzle site mount: Renewed cyber attacks on Wikileaks servers in Sweden closed down sections of the whistle-blowing website today . The attacks came as the Swiss post office announced it had frozen a Wikileaks bank account containing 31,000 euros, leaving the website with limited ability to raise money.
Calgary looking into possible charges after Tom Flanagan comments: Calgary police said Monday they were compiling evidence for the Crown to determine whether to press charges against Tom Flanagan, a former adviser to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for comments he made suggesting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be assassinated.
View Critical infrastructure sites in Canada: Among the cables released Sunday was a list of critical infrastructure sites outside the United States that the Americans regard as vital to their interests.
Helen Thomas' school scraps award over 'Zionists' remark: The Detroit, Michigan, institution that Thomas graduated from in 1942, said in a statement Friday that the school will no longer give out the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media Award. "Wayne State encourages free speech and open dialogue, and respects diverse viewpoints," the school's statement said. "However, the university strongly condemns the anti-Semitic remarks made by Helen Thomas during a conference yesterday."
Riddle of missing fingerprints on Dr David Kelly's 'overdose' pill packs: Fresh doubts have been raised over how Dr David Kelly died after police admitted no fingerprints were found on the packs of pills he supposedly overdosed on.
Tension grows between Calif. Muslims, FBI after informant infiltrates mosque:L Monteilh has gone public, revealing secret FBI methods and charging that his "handlers" trained him to entrap Muslims as he infiltrated their mosques, homes and businesses. He is now suing the FBI.
Top secret American spy plane returns to Earth after seven months... but U.S. still won't say what it was doing in space
Car Salesmen And Members Of Congress At Bottom Of Trust Ratings: A new Gallop poll asked people to rate the honesty and ethical standards of a number of professions.
Mounting State Debts Stoke Fears of Looming Crisis: Arizona recently stopped paying for certain organ transplants for people in its Medicaid program. States are releasing prisoners early, more to cut expenses than to reward good behavior. And in Newark, the city laid off 13 percent of its police officers last week.

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